
Pavilion Burchardplatz | Newspaper kiosk at Kattrepel Hamburg

The public space of the Kontorhaus district is to be supplemented by a pavilion and a newspaper kiosk as part of the redesign. The aim of the pavilion and its gastronomic use is to contribute to the revitalisation of the public space. The architectural concept is based on a symmetrical floor plan that opens up to the existing visual axes of the neighbourhood. The basic design elements of the square and circle give the concept a simplicity and naturalness that lends the small-scale building a clear identity. At the same time, the pavilion blends seamlessly into the UNESCO World Heritage Site thanks to the high transparency of its building envelope. The interior is accessed via two cross-shaped axes running through the building, each of which is connected to the exterior façade via revolving doors. The dining room and kitchen are arranged as square units within the floor plan structure. The two equally square room units to the west and east accommodate the ancillary rooms. The newspaper kiosk is of particular importance in the context of the newly emerging square situation on Kattrepel Street. With its square basic shape, symmetrical floor plan and subtly curved roofline, references are made to the design principles of the pavilion on Burchardplatz. The design deliberately dispenses with rear sides so that the small building can be perceived equally from all sides and can be reached by customers. The principle of folding shutters with an integrated magazine display allows the kiosk to be opened and closed at short notice. When closed, the outdoor advertising integrated into the homogeneous building envelope is visible, giving the kiosk the appearance of an advertising pillar. As with the pavilion, architectural bronze is used as the façade material. This creates a visual connection between the two buildings. At the same time, the almost completely recyclable material in combination with wood in the interior and the complete absence of composite materials ensures a positive CO2 balance and fulfils the high sustainability requirements.

Size: Pavilion 68 m2 BGF, Newspaper kiosk 6,3 m2 BGF
Dates: 2024
Use: Gastronomy, commerce
Initiator: Sprinkenhof GmbH

Visualisation: DFZ Architekten